Klaviyo: Savršeno e-mail rješenje za online prodavnice

Da li ste kompanija koja se bavi online prodajom i tražite novu e-mail platformu? Imamo sjajan prijedlog za vas i nećete imati potrebu da tražite dalje! U pitanju je Klaviyo, i za razliku od drugih e-mail rješenja, oni su marketilnška platforma za automacije koja posebne pogodnosti pruža online trgovcima u vidu unapređenog procesa dostavljanja personalizovanih Journey-a korisnicima. Klaviyo nije najpristupačnija platforma, zapravo, dva puta je skuplja od drugih vodećih ESP-jeva. Ipak, platforma je dizajnirana za marketere kojima je rast primarni cilj i Ematic ih izdvaja u odnosu na druge platforme baš zato što pružaju mogućnost povezivanja sa svojom online prodavnicom u samo nekoliko klikova, dok istovremeno možete zadržati podatke kupaca, kao i istoriju kupovine. To se sve sinhronizuje u realnom vremenu tako da možete reagovati u sekundi.  Evo još nekoliko razloga zašto je Klaviyo odličan: Klaviyo ima direktnu integraciju sa skoro svim eCommerce platformama, uključujući Shopify, Magento, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, WooCommerce, BigCommerce i mnogim drugima. Oni takođe imaju i pregršt drugih, već izgrađenih integracija sa popularnim eCommerce aplikacijama, koje sigurno koristite. Od CRM-a, Review-a, Referral-a, Loyalty-ja, HelpDesk-a, Analytics-a itd. Oni su pokrili sve.  Možete uspostaviti mejlove dobrodošlice, napuštanja trgovačke korpe ili mejlove pretraživanja, kao i transakcione mejlove iz njihove biblioteke već izgrađenih automacija. Sve ovo, dostupno je, na klik miša. Možete pregledati podatke vaših korisnika vrlo detaljno, uključujući i njihovu aktivnost na sajtu, otvaranje i klikove unutar mejlova, ukupnu svotu trošenja, segmente ili grupe u kojima se nalaze i još mnogo toga. Klaviyo ima ugrađenu formu za pretplatu koja se vrlo lako koristi, a pomaže rastu vaše baze podataka. Korisnički interfejs Klaviyo platforme je izuzetno lak za upotrebu; savršen je za marketere koji nisu toliko potkovani tehničkim znanjem, a ipak žele prefinjen i profesionalan e-mail Journey. I dalje niste sigurni da li je Klaviyo odgovarajuća platforma za vaš biznis? Želite saznati više? Ematic vam može ponuditi demonstraciju platforme, implementaciju i podešavanje, tako da možete biti sigurni da ste napravili dobar izbor i da ćete dobiti najbolji nivo podrške. Kontaktirajte sa našim agentima već danas, a više o samoj platformi pročitajte na www.klaviyo.com.

Klaviyo: The perfect email solution for eCommerce

Klaviyo: The perfect email solution for eCommerce

Are you an eCommerce business looking for a new email platform? We’ve got exactly what you are looking for and the solution is called Klaviyo. Unlike other email solutions, they are a marketing automation platform built explicitly for eCommerce and online merchants to deliver personalized and better journeys for their customers. Klaviyo isn’t the most affordable email solution, and in fact, it costs twice as expensive vs. other industry-standard ESPs. However, the platform was designed for growth-minded marketers and Ematic still fancy them because they allow you to connect your e-store in a few clicks, and all of your customer’s data, including the historical, will get synced in real-time so you can act on them immediately. Moreover, they also have pre-built integrations with dozens of eCommerce apps that allow you to comfortably “plug and play” which for some marketers would be a game-changer as that will reduce a fair amount of costly integration processes and makes trying new apps more straightforward. Other reasons why we think Klaviyo is excellent: Klaviyo has direct integrations with almost all major eCommerce players, including Shopify, Magento, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and many more. They also have dozens of other pre-built integrations with popular eCommerce apps that you are probably using today. From CRM, Review, Referral, Loyalty, Helpdesk, Analytics, etc. They have it all. You can set up welcome series, abandoned cart or browse emails, and transactional emails in minutes from their library of pre-built automation available at your fingertips. You can preview your user details in one view, including their activity on the website, their email open and click action, their total spend, segments or groups they are on, and many more. Klaviyo has a built-in easy setup signup form to help you grow your database faster. Klaviyo’s user interface is exceptionally user-friendly; it is perfect for marketers who are not tech-savvy but still fancy to create sophisticated email journeys or EDM like the pros. Having said that, if you are interested to find out more about Klaviyo and how it can work for your eCommerce, Ematic can provide a demo, source, and onboard you properly in Klaviyo to make sure you make the right decision and get the best experience out of using the platform. Contact our buyer’s agent today and get yourself a demo!

Iterable pulls down $200M, becomes a Two-nicorn

Hot on the heels of Klaviyo’s recent $320M round, Iterable barks back with a huge round of there own, reportedly coming in at $200M and valuing the business at $2bn. https://iterable.com/blog/our-next-chapter-series-e-funding-announcement/ We’ll need to start formally tracking, but this looks like the 3rd largest round for a messaging platform ever. Klaviyo set the new standard recently, and otherwise Campaign Monitor’s $250M all the way back in 2014 still stands in second place. Where Klaviyo has succeeded as the leader in ecommerce (particularly for Shopify users) Iterable has focused on being an indispensable component of the mobile growth stack, and takes an integration-first approach to allow marketers to quickly assemble a killer mobile marketing stack. Prediction: look for Braze to announce a new round soon. Messaging (and Email Marketing) are hot right now.

Klaviyo raises monster round ($320M), valued at $9.5b

Well, Klaviyo once again has proven the old axiom: Email Marketing is dead. https://techcrunch.com/2021/05/18/klaviyo-series-d/ That comes hot on the heels of a $200M Series C in November when Ematic Solutions first partnered with them. We think it’s a fantastic product if you’re using an ecommerce platform like Shopify or Big Commerce, but unfortunately most companies in Asia still haven’t adopted modern ecommerce platforms due to the high transactional costs, limitations on payment options, and lack of O2O capabilities. Klaviyo can be used with any ecommerce platform though, even home brew solutions. Ematic can help.

Klaviyo lining up to take Bronto customers

After Oracle Netsuite announced the pending demise of Bronto (aside: never name technology after dinosaurs…) Klaviyo is positioning themselves as a good alternative for existing Bronto users: https://www.klaviyo.com/blog/bronto-migration We only ever encountered two Bronto users in 8 years at Ematic, but one of them (Grana) obviously agreed with that recommendation and made the move to Klaviyo nearly four years ago and are still using Klaviyo today, meaning it must have been a good move for them. The other Bronto user we met (Glasses Global) went out of business in 2016…they rode the dinosaur too long and it was too late. If there are any other Bronto users looking to move to Klaviyo (or anything else) give us a shout!