CRM and Digital Marketing: A Perfect Combination for Business Growth

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are compelled to be more adaptive to changing consumer behaviors and market competition. One proven effective strategy is the combination of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and digital marketing. This article will delve into how integrating CRM and digital marketing can be the perfect combination for business growth. Here are five key subtopics we will explore: Understanding CRM and Digital Marketing  CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a strategic approach that companies use to manage their relationships with customers. It encompasses various tools and techniques designed to help businesses understand customer needs, enhance interactions, and build long-term loyalty. Using CRM in digital marketing enables businesses to collect, analyze, and leverage customer data more effectively. As a result, companies can create more personalized and relevant marketing campaigns, ultimately increasing conversion rates and customer satisfaction. Benefits of Using CRM and Digital Marketing  CRM allows businesses to develop more effective marketing strategies through more accurate market segmentation. With the ability to group customers based on demographics, behavior, and preferences, businesses can create more targeted campaigns. For example, CRM can help identify customers who are likely to make repeat purchases, allowing companies to design timely retention campaigns. Additionally, CRM enables tracking the ROI (Return on Investment) of digital marketing campaigns. By understanding which campaigns generate the highest revenue, businesses can allocate resources more wisely and focus on initiatives that yield the best results.   Improved Lead Quality: By tracking customer interactions, CRM helps identify high-quality leads that are more likely to convert.   Increased Conversions: Personalized messaging and marketing automation can boost conversion rates and generate more sales. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: By providing a better customer experience, CRM helps build stronger relationships with customers and increase their loyalty. Better Decision Making: The data generated by CRM and digital marketing can be used to make more data-driven business decisions. Benefits of Integrating CRM with Digital Marketing Data Synchronization: By integrating CRM and digital marketing, businesses can unify all customer data from various channels. This allows marketing teams to have a more comprehensive understanding of customers. Personalized Messaging: Integrated data can be used to create more relevant and personalized marketing messages for each customer. This increases the likelihood of customers taking the desired action, such as making a purchase or providing a recommendation. Marketing Automation: CRM and digital marketing can be automated for routine tasks such as sending marketing emails, updating lead statuses, and follow-up reminders. This saves time and allows marketing teams to focus on more complex strategies. Optimizing Customer Experience Through Data Customer data collected through CRM is key to creating an optimal customer experience. In digital marketing, a good customer experience can be a significant differentiator. By analyzing CRM data, businesses can gain a deep understanding of the customer journey and identify the most influential touchpoints.   For example, if CRM data shows that many customers encounter difficulties during the checkout process, businesses can take proactive steps to improve the process, whether through website optimization or customer education campaigns. Thus, the integration of CRM and digital marketing not only improves marketing efficiency but also helps create a better customer experience. Real-World Examples E-commerce: E-commerce companies can use CRM to track customer purchase history, provide relevant product recommendations, and send targeted promotional emails.   Startups: Startups can leverage CRM and digital marketing to build brand awareness, build retention, acquire new customers, and accelerate business growth. Tips for Selecting and Implementing CRM Identify Business Needs: Before choosing a CRM, determine your business needs and the features that are important to you. Select the Right Platform: Consider your business size, budget, and the level of complexity required in a CRM. Train Your Team: Ensure your team receives adequate training to use the CRM effectively and understand its benefits.   Integrate with Other Tools: Ensure the chosen CRM can integrate with other digital marketing tools you use for maximum efficiency. By understanding and implementing the integration of CRM and digital marketing, businesses can harness the power of data to enhance marketing strategies, improve the customer experience, and drive sustainable growth. CRM Tools That You Need To Know These are CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools that can help elevate your business: Mailjet Mailjet is an email marketing platform that allows users to create, send, and track email campaigns. In addition, Mailjet supports email API for transactional and marketing emails. Its key features include customer segmentation, A/B testing, customizable email templates, and real-time analytics to track campaign performance. Klaviyo Klaviyo is a marketing platform focused on email and SMS, primarily for e-commerce businesses. Klaviyo integrates customer data from various platforms (such as Shopify, Magento, etc.) to create personalized communication experiences. Its key features include automated segmentation, AI-powered product recommendations, and in-depth analytics to monitor ROI from marketing campaigns. Iterable Iterable is a cloud-based marketing platform focusing on cross-channel communications (email, push notifications, SMS, social media, etc.) to enhance customer experiences. Iterable allows businesses to create automated workflows and personalized messages based on customer interactions. It is often used by companies with a focus on growth marketing and customer engagement. Hi-IQ Hi-IQ is a CRM designed to support smarter customer relationship management. Typically, this platform uses data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve customer experiences and assist businesses in making better decisions based on customer behavior and needs. Salesforce Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM platforms globally, used by both large and small businesses. Salesforce offers various tools for sales management, customer service, marketing, and analytics. The platform allows flexible integration with third-party applications and supports various types of business process automation. Salesforce is also known for its flexibility in customizing CRM according to specific business needs. These tools help businesses manage and build better relationships with their customers through more personalized and efficient communication strategies. CRM Services Offered by Ematic Solutions Ematic Solutions provides Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services to help businesses enhance their customer relationships through advanced strategies and technologies. They offer several key services, such as: Platform Management: Assisting businesses in selecting, implementing,

Apple Mail is wasting your email marketing spend (and how Ematic fixes it)


If you’re an email marketer, you may have noticed a much higher open rate since the iOS 15 update back in late 2021.  Unfortunately, it’s not that your hooks and one-liners are suddenly capturing a higher number of customers–it’s because of a change in Apple Mail functionality that Apple pushed two years ago.  As of September 2021, Apple Mail is automatically reading and opening all emails received as part of a privacy protocol. This means open metrics are no longer accurate–it’s possible that a number of your open metrics are just Apple Mail users whose Apple Mail apps automatically read the emails. The users themselves probably haven’t even seen the emails! The use of Apple Mail has thrown a wrench in the works of email marketers everywhere. Due to the open metrics receiving false positives, Apple Mail users are being advanced to the next phase of email marketers’ email journeys without ever having interacted with the email, leading to them receiving more and more followup emails and traveling further down the email journey. It’s frustrating for both sides, because: For email marketers, they’re investing resources and time emailing and following up on false leads, and; For users, who are now being bombarded with emails and follow-up emails, because now there’s no way to tell whether a user is genuinely interested, or it’s just Apple Mail’s new protocol at work.   It’s not possible to tell if a user is using Apple Mail, because the app leaves no data footprint. The email is simply being marked as read, and the user isn’t interacting with the emails at all.  This leads to a host of issues for the email marketer: There’s no way to accurately measure the success of an email marketing campaign. With inflated data, an email marketing campaign may look like it’s succeeding when it’s not. Segmenting mailing lists also becomes difficult. Open events used to be a reliable way to separate interested from uninterested users. Without it, it becomes harder to prune mailing lists (by removing uninterested users). With mailing list hygiene now requiring more maintenance, more resources are needed in maintaining an accurate list of interested and uninterested users, resulting in more overhead.   The bottom line: marketers are wasting huge sums of money sending email to “engaged users” who aren’t in fact engaged at all, OR they’re losing opportunities by suppressing suspected Apple Mail users entirely, when there are still plenty of active, engaged users in that audience.   Hi-iQ: Our Solution to the Apple Mail Issue   What is Hi-iQ and How Does It Work? Hi-iQ is our flagship AI product. It is a robust, self-learning algorithm designed to seamlessly integrate with your email database through a simple integration. It operates daily, automatically by retrieving the latest subscriber behaviour towards your past Email campaigns and suggests the most updated targeting whenever you’re scheduling a campaign. By understanding each subscriber’s behaviour, Hi-iQ not only distinguishes between various levels of engagement but also effectively identifies those influenced by Apple Mail’s privacy policy—commonly known as “fake openers.” This ensures that your marketing efforts are far from blind shots in the dark. Moreover, Hi-iQ doesn’t simply flag Apple Mail users and remove them from your list. Instead, it continuously monitors these users, regulating them back into your campaigns at a lower frequency. The aim? To capture those moments when a flagged user eventually shows real engagement. If this occurs, Hi-iQ immediately adjusts its data, recognizing this as a genuine interaction.   How Does This Help Me as an Email Marketer? With Hi-iQ, you’re unburdening your team from the cumbersome task of sifting through possibly misleading data. You’re also no longer operating in a data fog; instead, you have precise insights into who is genuinely interacting with your emails. But the real magic happens when you consider long-term impact. It not only helps you identify genuine engagement but also adapts continually based on user behavior. This ensures that you always stay connected to users who truly care and have great potential for your business. By streamlining your list and targeting genuinely interested users, you’re likely to see reduced email costs and a higher ROI, all without having to compromise on your email performance metrics.   A Case Study Leflair, an ecommerce platform, sends out email marketing campaign blasts to their user base on a daily basis. Since the Apple change in late 2021, Leflair has posted an average monthly send volume of 4 to 4.5 million emails. This would suggest a high cost of maintaining their email services.  In August 2023, Ematic Solutions tested the new Hi-iQ feature on the client’s account. In late August, Hi-iQ was applied; by September, it was up and running. When comparing August 2023 to September 2023, Leflair sent a little under 3 million emails, or a 38% reduction in total send volume, and a corresponding 59% reduction in open rate. This would later lead to savings of 35.29% and an increase in click rate due to a smaller, more accurate target audience. We know the Hi-iQ plugin works because the number of unique clicks remained flat at the average baseline despite the reduction in send volume. Overall, due to maintaining results while reducing inputs, this translates into a stable revenue for Leflair’s email marketing channels. Effectively, the brand’s ROI can be said to have improved due to lower costs.   Get Hi-iQ today With the growing number of Apple Mail users, it’s crucial for email marketers to respond to Apple Mail’s privacy protocol. Otherwise, open events cannot be accurately tracked, which in turn can affect the numbers and statistics of email marketers. With that said, we’re happy to announce that our Hi-iQ email solution is available today, featuring wide-reaching viability and compatibility with multiple email platforms, including Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Campaign Monitor, Iterable, Mailjet, and more!

Breaking the Curse: How to stop being haunted by email fatigue

If you are a Marketer and have been using Email Marketing as one of your retention channels, you’d probably heard about “email fatigue” before. Email fatigue is real and is a huge issue when doesn’t matter how well-optimized your email content is, performance keeps on decreasing over time. So what is Email Fatigue? What makes our emails “fatigue”? What are the best ways to avoid it?  As an expert who has been working in the Email Marketing & Marketing Technology field for over 12 years now, Our Founder – Paul Tenney shared his views about the issue in the Webinar hosted on Pathwire’s Event. Watch the full webinar here:  Here are four main takeaways from the Webinar:  If the fatigue occurs as a result of time functions, it suggests that newer subscribers are superior to older ones. To improve performance, shift the dynamic as much as possible in favor of new subscribers. Ensure that your customer database is engaged in receiving your email blasts on a regular basis. Three times a week is recommended for people in the e-commerce industry. The causes are as follows: ensuring that you make the most of the data you have, deliverability – if you have a deliverability problem, all of the dynamic blocks will be reset after 24-72 hours, reputation – more frequent mailers get better reputation because they are consistent in term of the email sending volume. Give people some time off if they aren’t engaging as their tendency to respond to future emails will increase over time. What you don’t want to do is cut them off because you’ll lose a lot of top-line performance. Email marketing automation is a completely paradoxical concept. People, for the most part, spend more money creating journeys than they do making money from them. However, abandoned cart emails allow you to pull conversion from that leaky bucket before they leaked out without having to blast them a lot of emails, which will drive more fatigue and lower your open and click rates over time. As a result, the real value of email marketing automation is to reduce the dependency of a blast email. Ematic Solutions has built a plugin called Hi-iQ that automatically manages fatigues and addresses them systematically. You DON’T need to pay for it until it saves you some money. If you’re interested in a Hi-iQ trial, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Holiday Season 2021: The Ultimate Marketing Guide

The Holiday Season is coming up – this time of year is the Highest performing Quarter for E-commerce businesses. Consumers are in a great mood and are ready to shop. As people take time off, digital activity hits all time highs. This year, with so much uncertainty due to Covid 19, marketers are wondering how to optimize their strategies with all the pandemic constraints and new shifts in customer behavior. To help you embrace all the challenges and get well prepared for this time, we have prepared An ultimate guide to Holiday Email Marketing that will ensure that you end the season with a big hurrah! Let’s get ready to rake in that revenue!


Ako ste u potrazi za novim marketinškim tehnologijama, pametan potez bi bio da kontaktirate sa Ematic Solutions-om. Bez posebne naknade, cijeli jedan tim će vam se pridružiti kao agent kupovine i pomoći vam da razmotrite najpogodnije opcije, ugovorite najbolje cijene, osiguraće da dobijete najbolje proizvode po najboljim cijenama svaki put. Naši timovi su lokalni i razumiju vaše potrebe, a radiće za vas kako bi osigurali da ostvarite očekivani ishod. Ematic Solutions nije naročito naklonjen nijednoj tehnologiji i ne pokušava vam prodati nešto. Tu smo da vam pomognemo sa svakim aspektom kupovnog procesa, a ponekad je rješenje jednostavno u otklanjanju grešaka sa postojećim provajderom, bez kupovine novog proizvoda.   Ukoliko biste direktno komunicirali sa provajderima, tada biste na raspolaganju jedino imali njihove agente prodaje. Njihov zadatak bi bio da vas ubijede kako je njihov proizvod najbolji i najvjerovatnije bi vam prodali proizvod po najvišoj mogućoj cijeni pod uslovima koji najviše njima odgovaraju. Prodavac vam nikada neće reći kako je njihov proizvod loš ili neodgovarajući za vaš biznis, naprotiv, ubijediće vas da je taj proizvod baš ono za čim ste u potrazi, često izvrćući samu istinu. Nije li onda bolje imati nekoga na “vašoj strani” ko bi vam mogao dati iskrene i nepristrasne informacije? Zar ne biste željeli nekoga ko je vidio na hiljade ugovora i ko poznaje aktuelne tarife tržišta, ko može pregovarati u vaše ime i pomoći vam da ugovorite najpogodnije uslove? Ili još bolje, zar ne bi bilo odlično kada NE biste imali deset prodavaca koji vas stalno pozivaju, šalju iznova ponude i stvaraju vam pritisak vremenskim ograničenjem koji je zasnovan na njihovim, a ne vašim potrebama? Ematic Solutions ima tim od preko 100 stručnjaka marketinških tehnologija, koji konstantno pretražuju tržište i čitav ekosistem koji sada uključuje preko 10,000 kompanija. Mi vam možemo dati pregled tržišta i pomoći da suzite izbor na nekoliko preporučenih proizvoda koji najviše odgovaraju vašim potrebama. Kada ste spremni, naši konsultanti za rast vam mogu pomoći da se javite provajderima za koje ste zainteresovani, te možete organizovati sastanke direktno sa njima, a onda suziti vaš izbor na nekoliko koji vam najviše odgovaraju. Ako se ispostavi da niste spremni ili da vam niti jedan provajder ne odgovara, ne brinite! Niste obavezni da platite, a ako želite, možete istražiti još opcija. S druge strane, ako ste zainteresovani da kupite nešto, tada vam vjerovatno Ematic može najviše pomoći: naš tim ima uvid u preko hiljadu ugovora godišnje, poznajemo tarife tržišta i uslove ugovora. Možemo pregovarati u vašu korist, a ishod će biti da vi dobijete najbolji proizvod, za najbolju cijenu, i to svaki put kada kupujete preko Ematic-a.  A možda najbolje od svega: nije nužno sve gotovo kada kupite proizvod! Ematic vam može pomoći sa svim implementacijama, migracijama, integracijama sa drugim marketinškim tehnologijama kao i sa kontinualnom podrškom – i to sve sa lokalnom i profesionalnom podrškom. To svakako nije sve, jer mi redovno vršimo pregledanje marketinških tehnologija i ponuda na tržištu, tražeći najnaprednija rješenja koja ćemo zasigurno prvi otkriti. Paul Tenney Founder

Poruka našeg osnivača: Novi koncept Ematic Solutions-a

Kad pogledamo unazad osam godina, koliko već postoji Ematic, i na hiljade ljudi među kojima su zaposleni, klijenti, investitori, partneri i prodavci iz devet zemalja u kojima poslujemo – moram reći da sam vrlo ponosan na naša postignuća, ali i svjestan da smo daleko od kraja misije. Smatram da je najveća lekcija koju smo izvukli do sad činjenica da inovacija nije strogo povezana sa tehnologijom i da je za raznoliko tržište Jugoistočne Azije, inovacija ključna na organizacijskom nivou, jer ona pomaže ostvarenju cilja biznisa naših klijenata.  Ematic je uvijek zastupao pristup raspodjele marketinške tehnologije: fokusirani, najbolji proizvodi koji gaze monolitska “sve u jednom” rješenja. Dok je naš biznis rastao, shvatili smo da isto razmišljanje moramo primjeniti i na našu firmu, što je dovelo do radikalne promjene u pozicioniranju na tržištu. Naša misija je oduvijek bila da marketerima isporučimo stvarne rezultate – bilo kroz sopstvenu tehnologiju ili partnere. Iako smo i dalje najpoznatiji po e-mail marketingu, naš pogon ka boljim rezultatima, doveo nas je na mjesta gdje smo bliže integrisanom pristupu čitavog spektra digitalnog marketinga.  Odlučili smo poslušati vlastiti savjet i ponovo razmisliti o Ematic-u, ne kao jednoj firmi, već ekosistemu gdje se najbolje vrste ponuda okupljaju u jedinstvenom sloju biznis interfejsa koji sve uvezuje da bi predstavio cjelinu veću od pojedinačnih dijelova. Danas smo reorganizovani u Ematic Grupaciju, koja okuplja prvobitna tri brenda i biznis jedinice: digitalnu agenciju Elixus, tehnološki biznis Sub AI i naš prepoznatljivi brend Ematic Solutions – kao konsultante marketniških tehnologija. Kombinovani efekat ove tri biznis jedinice nam daje snagu i fleksibilnost da se pozabavimo jezgrovitim izazovima s kojima se marketeri Jugoistočne Azije svakodnevno susreću.  Najbitniji izazov kada je u pitanju digitalno iskustvo potrošača u Jugoistočnoj Aziji – svodi se na jednu ključnu stvar: disekonomija na količinu. Budimo iskreni: Amerikancima je lako da se koriste tehnologijom, jer cijena ide u prilog korisnicima tehnologije, a potrošna moć kupca je mnogo veća. To znači da u Jugoistočnoj Aziji plaćamo više za tehnologiju i što je suprotstavljeno populaciji koja ima znatno manju potrošnu moć. To često poremeti inicijativu marketera. Ako bismo htjeli olakšati život potrošača, zaposlenih i biznismena Jugoistočne Azije (a želimo!), moraćemo shvatiti srž problema u jedinstvenoj ekonomiji i svaki se put iznova baviti rješenjima. Ako ste upoznati sa našom sjajnom aplikacijom Hi-iQ, onda znate je glavna svrha eliminisanje nepotrebnih troškova u email marketingu. Za one kojima je poznat Elixus, znate i da su oni mašina za povrat uloženog novca na oglašavanje i valorizaciju svakog dolara ( takođe i Bahta, Donga, Ringita, Pesosa, Rupija,…). Na neki način sam uzbuđen što ponovo pretstavljam Ematic Solutions kao brend na tržištu, jer je sposoban da donese rezultate koji će uticati na kolketivnu ekonomsku jedinicu na način koji do sada nismo iskusili. Ematic Solutions je agent prodaje – mi pomažmo marketerima da zasigurno kupe najbolju marketinšku tehnologiju po najpristupačnijoj cijeni sa najboljim omjerom vremena i vrijednosti i maksimalnim dugoročnim povratom investicija. Napravili smo tim čiji je posao da uzmu u obzir sav digitalni marketing u ponudi, procijene proizvode (u smislu cijene i kvaliteta) i prepoznaju koji najbolje funkcionišu uz različite biznise. Trenutno imamo preko 50 marketinških tehnologija širom svijeta. Da bismo najbolje predstavili naš cilj, evo primjera: prije nekoliko godina, Ematic Solutions je prodavao samo Mailchimp. I dalje obožavamo Mailchimp, ali naši partneri danas su mnogobrojni: Iterable, Campaign Monitor, Mailjet, Klaviyo, OneSignal, Active Campaign, Insider, Moengage, Webengage, Messagebird, Twilio, Smartmessage i nekoliko koji tek dolaze. Takođe nudimo usluge na Salesforce Marketing Cloud-u, Adobe Campaign-u, Clevertap-u, Emarsys-u, DotDigital-u i Netcore-u. Naš cilj da marketeri dobiju što veći povrat na uloženo, zahtjeva od Ematic-a da smanji cijenu tako da ne morate plaćati ekskluzivne cijene tehnologije. U mnogim slučajevima, mi dostavljamo: tehnologiju, implementaciju, podršku, i sve to za manje novca nego kada biste tehnologiju kupili direktno.  Za one kojima je potrebno i žele više pomoći, pripremamo i čitav spektar usluga koje će pomoći sa “težim stvarima”, koje muče većinu marketera. Upravljati marketniškim timom je kompleksnije nego ikad, i potreba za specijalizovanim pristupom, ponekad nije u skladu sa veličinom organizacije vašeg biznisa, a mi u Ematicu želimo biti vaša “desna ruka” koja će riješiti svaki problem i omogućiti da se svi zupčanici u ekosistemu okreću kao podmazani. Da sumiram: Ematic Solutions nije privržen nijednoj tehnologiji naročito. Možemo pomoći biznisima sa bilo kojom tehnologijom i sa kakvim god problemima. Ematic Solutions je ovdje da izgradi skup tehnologija koje pomažu vašem biznisu da poraste, sa posebnom pažnjom posvećenoj vašem budžetu i mogućnostima prilagođavanja promjenama.  Živimo i radimo u vrlo uzbudljivom vremenu, a tek smo počeli. Pridružite nam se na putovanju u bolju Jugoistočnu Aziju. 

Iterable pulls down $200M, becomes a Two-nicorn

Hot on the heels of Klaviyo’s recent $320M round, Iterable barks back with a huge round of there own, reportedly coming in at $200M and valuing the business at $2bn. We’ll need to start formally tracking, but this looks like the 3rd largest round for a messaging platform ever. Klaviyo set the new standard recently, and otherwise Campaign Monitor’s $250M all the way back in 2014 still stands in second place. Where Klaviyo has succeeded as the leader in ecommerce (particularly for Shopify users) Iterable has focused on being an indispensable component of the mobile growth stack, and takes an integration-first approach to allow marketers to quickly assemble a killer mobile marketing stack. Prediction: look for Braze to announce a new round soon. Messaging (and Email Marketing) are hot right now.