Ako ste u potrazi za novim marketinškim tehnologijama, pametan potez bi bio da kontaktirate sa Ematic Solutions-om. Bez posebne naknade, cijeli jedan tim će vam se pridružiti kao agent kupovine i pomoći vam da razmotrite najpogodnije opcije, ugovorite najbolje cijene, osiguraće da dobijete najbolje proizvode po najboljim cijenama svaki put. Naši timovi su lokalni i […]

Poruka našeg osnivača: Novi koncept Ematic Solutions-a

Kad pogledamo unazad osam godina, koliko već postoji Ematic, i na hiljade ljudi među kojima su zaposleni, klijenti, investitori, partneri i prodavci iz devet zemalja u kojima poslujemo – moram reći da sam vrlo ponosan na naša postignuća, ali i svjestan da smo daleko od kraja misije. Smatram da je najveća lekcija koju smo izvukli […]

$150M for Amplitude at a whopping $4b valuation

The martech and analytics space remains quite hot with the latest announcement by Amplitude of $150M in funding that quadrupled their valuation from their previous round last year: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-09/analytics-startup-amplitude-valued-at-4-billion-in-investment?sref=DJ6uFsR8 While the valuation looks a bit punchy, it definitely validates the Product Analytics space and we expect to see news from their key competitor Mixpanel on […]

We agree with Tealium: vendor neutrality and integrations are problematic for most marketers

Interesting research from Tealium – it’s US-centric but the challenges are equally applicable worldwide: https://tealium.com/press-releases/new-study-by-tealium-reveals-marketers-leaning-on-customer-data-platforms/ In particular, the “vendor neutrality” point hits home, with “more than half (53 percent) of marketers strongly agree their martech stacks are walled gardens, consisting of solutions from one vendor that have limited cross-compatibility with other solutions.” This is definitely […]

Aftership’s $66M raise continues to prove the power of the Shopify ecosystem

Shopify is becoming a bit of a “kingmaker” these days – the SaaS products that do well on Shopify’s marketplace are all raising a lot of money and growing very quickly: https://techcrunch.com/2021/04/22/e-commerce-tracking-platform-aftership-raises-66m-led-by-tiger-global/ Ematic has partnered with Aftership and they’re listed in our marketplace too – since they don’t offer any local customer success or support […]