We agree with Tealium: vendor neutrality and integrations are problematic for most marketers

Interesting research from Tealium – it’s US-centric but the challenges are equally applicable worldwide: https://tealium.com/press-releases/new-study-by-tealium-reveals-marketers-leaning-on-customer-data-platforms/

In particular, the “vendor neutrality” point hits home, with “more than half (53 percent) of marketers strongly agree their martech stacks are walled gardens, consisting of solutions from one vendor that have limited cross-compatibility with other solutions.” This is definitely a massive limitation when it comes to building a modern growth stack, as we view it as essential that all components are compatible with the broader ecosystem of technology a company has implemented, and furthermore the ability to change out components when something new or better-fit emerges is an absolute necessity.

“Integration difficulties are common: Almost two-thirds (62 percent) of marketers say it’s difficult to integrate new third-party solutions into their martech stacks.” This is among the top problems Ematic Solutions is trying to solve for: by choosing technology that has strong integration capabilities in the first place, some of this can be alleviated. However, almost all marketers lack the engineering/IT resources to quickly add in new components to their growth stack, which is why Ematic has invested heavily in our Solutions Engineering team to help customers move faster and get it done correctly. Perhaps most importantly: whenever there is a problem with an integration between two tech products, it’s almost impossible to resolve by either vendor. One of Ematic’s unique value propositions is that we cut across technologies so we can see it from both sides and effectively troubleshoot the issue.


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